六至十二歲兒童: 早晚各一次,作為常規口腔清潔/衛生的一部分,每次用十亳升李施德林,漱口三十秒後吐出,不可吞服,使用時毋須稀釋,用後毋須再用清水漱口。
成人及十二歲以上兒童: 早晚各一次,作為常規口腔清潔/衛生的一部分,每次用二十亳升李施德林,漱口三十秒後吐出,不可吞服,使用時毋須稀釋,用後毋須再用清水漱口。
Children (6 to 12 years): Use 10ml full strength undiluted Listerine, rinse the teeth and gums for 30 seconds, twice daily as part of usual oral hygiene. Do not swallow. No further rinse with water is required.
Adults and children above 12 years: Use 20 ml full strength undiluted Listerine, rinse the teeth and gums for 30 seconds; twice daily as part of oral hygiene. Do not swallow. No further rinse with water is required.
Keep away from direct sunlight